Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Backgammon Anyone???

I remember someone ask me one time -- What is Backgammon? How do you play that game?? -- So I explain the game as best I can. You think they get the idea?? Noooooooo.. So, I suggest they watch how the game is played. Some get really curious when I tell them that. The Origins of Backgammon can be traced back thousands of years. It was typically played on surfaces such as wood, using stones as markers, and dice made from bones, stones, wood or pottery. The game was played by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Romans and Persians. THAT's when they get serious and start learning the game.
I started playing when I was about 15 years old..boy, that's some time ago..lol..but I remember playing the game on a board with felt lining..leather for the points and a leather cup to shake the dice. On long car trips, the magnetic ones work best by the way. But those were the days. Who would have thought that the game would be played worldwide on the internet. Gaming Sites have sprouted all over the internet offering Backgammon as one of the board games.About 3 years ago, while surfing the internet, I came across a gamesite. It hosted boardgames as well as shooter games and the like. And so, on a weekend with nothing to do, I started playing backgammon online. I've met so many people since then and to date, they've remained friends. Now, I currently play over at
livVe where i've met even more people who have been good friends over the months or year.
Backgammon is a fun game. Once you know how the game is played then strategy takes place. Watching players in a game helps if you're fairly new to backgammon. If you'd like to learn how to play the game, here are the
Rules of Backgammon I found to be the simplest way to explain the game.
I still prefer to play the game with the actual board. It's still more fun that way. But on nights when insomnia hits me bad, you can't find anyone to play backgammon at say, 3am?? I don't think waking someone up just to help me get my gammon fix is a good idea... so my other alternative is to find a game online.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, now I never knew any of that about backgammon. I've never even played on a real board. I used to play on Mplayer USA and was a TD for many different spades leagues. After the spades tournaments the players would always say they were going to play backgammon. So all of my friends at the time would rush over to the backgammon lobby and leave me behind. Finally I asked one of my friends to teach me how to play. And after I learned I was hooked, left spades all together, joined a league called ABB and the rest is history! :) But Bully I'm glad you got bored that one weekend because you truly are one of my greatest friends.

1:58 PM  
Blogger carissa g. joaquin said...

Now ya know..lol.. who would have thought huh..lol..you mentioned ABB.. it was that weekend i was bored that i joined that league.. and just like you, the rest is history.. guess we're officially the "quackers" in the "duck pond" now...

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quack quack quack! Hey Bully?? We really need to do something about this blog. It really sucks posting as Anonymous. I'm not sure why the first time I commented it said Roxy but I can't get it to do that again without signing up for Blogger.com. Hmmmmmmmmm

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooo this looks better :) Good job!

7:26 AM  

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